I recommend them without reservation.
— Laura Nettleton
thoughtful balance, inc.
Designed by one of Pittsburgh's leading award-winning architects, Windom Hill Place combines exciting design and energy efficiency with world-class views of Pittsburgh's skyline. Inspired by the hillside homes of Prague and Budapest by Architect Adolph Loos and the work of California homes by Rudolph Schindler, these homes will become an instant Pittsburgh classic.
Very high-quality materials have been used througout. The structure of the homes is Insulated Concrete Form, and they were built through an Energy Star Partnership and have been certified at a level that achieves significant reduction in energy use. High-efficiency HVAC equipment and appliances provide energy efficiency that beats Energy Star by 20%.
The project involved installation of a reinforced soil slope wall along with a soldier beam and rock anchor retaining wall as well as signficant utility installation to serve the new homes. The exterior of the homes includes cast stone and custom fabricated kynar finish aluminum panels using a flatlock pattern.
Windom Hill Place was featured in an article about Pittsburgh's South Side slopes in the New York Times.
Please visit the website at for more information.